Language fern

I have a friend who’s learning Finnish.

She says it makes her head a bit spin-ish.

All the endings of the nouns and the verbs.

Are like hallucinogenic accent herbs.

Unlike how she thinks, she’s good.

I don’t know many people who could

Pronounce everything, like the R and the O.

(L’s a little off, but with practice… you know…)

I love Finnish and I love how,

I can tell her facts and she’ll go “Wow!

That’s so cool! What about this?

Does it sound OK if I do it with a hiss?”

It’s fun to hear her try real hard

And succeed (the tone only slightly scarred.)

Or just crash and burn in a fiery blaze,

Which cracks me up and leaves me in a daze.

That’s OK, though, that’s how you learn.

That’s how you water your language fern.

Next time it comes up, you’re primed and ready

Know to steer clear and good, nice and steady.

I still get to laugh and giggle

Because I hear the syllables wiggle.

The sounds she makes are sometimes fun,

Mostly beautiful, like a lake in the sun.

This is why I can never get enough.

Triumph or fail, speech is fun stuff.

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